Environment policy
Environmental philosophy
We value harmony with the natural environment and coexistence with local communities through our business activities.
We aim to be a company that contributes to the realization of a prosperous and comfortable society.
Action guidelines
- We accurately assesses the environmental impact in all areas related to business.
- We strive to maintain and improve the environment by managing chemical substances contained in products, resource conservation.
- We reduce waste and environmentally hazardous substances.
- We will continuously improve the environment and prevent pollution.
- We comply with environmental laws, regulations and customer requirements.
- We have established voluntary management standard values that take into account other requirements to which we agree,and will strive to improve our environmental management activities.
- We will set and implement environmental objectives and targets that reflect the conditions of our business.
- We will review it periodically or as necessary.
- We conduct regular audits and management reviews to improve environmental performance.
- Continually improve our environmental management system.
- We disseminate our environmental policy to every works at our company and works for our company, and we will implement and maintain it.
- We will distribute or publish our environmental policy when requested to do so by an external party.
Management’s commitment
- We establish and maintain EMS that is consistent with the strategic of business as indicated in management philosophy and behavioral guidelines.
- We establish environmental policies and objectives that are consistent with the strategic direction of our business.
- We continue to improve the effectiveness of our business processes through compliance with EMS requirements.
- We comply with environmental laws, regulations, and requirements that our company agrees to.
- We clarify and provide the resources necessary for EMS operation.
- We involve and support every workers to understand the importance of meeting EMS requirements and to contribute to their effectiveness.
- We review that EMS is appropriate, reasonable and effective, and encourage continuous improvement.

Green procurement
Basic policy for materials procurement
Our company prioritizes relationships with business partners active in environmental conservation activities.And aim to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities by actively purchasing products, parts, and materials that have a low environmental impact.We will contribute to expanding the market for environmentally friendly products.
- We source products, parts, and materials from suppliers that meet our green procurement.
- We prioritize procurement from suppliers with high level of environmental awareness.
- We prioritize procurement from manufacturing processes that have a low environmental impact.
- We prioritize the procurement of products, materials, and parts that have a low environmental impact.
Nitsuko Electronics Corporation